The 24th East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics

IAMS-NTNU-YCU Autumn Workshop 2024

August 26, 2024

Dr. Poe Lecture Hall,
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences,
Academia Sinica



We are happy to announce that this year, on August 26, 2024, we will host the IAMS-NTNU-YCU Autumn Workshop 2024 at Poe Hall Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences. We will have both oral and poster presentations.

This event will have presentations by students from the Molecular Science and Technology Program at Taiwan International Graduate Program (TiGP-MST) at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences (IAMS), the Department of Physics at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), and the Graduate school of Nanobioscience at Yokohama City University (YCU). We hope this workshop will initiate the interaction between students from various backgrounds, leading to future collaborations.

Furthermore, following the tradition from previous years, we will have awards for the best presentations.


Organizing committee of IAMS-NTNU-YCU Autumn Workshop 2024

Registration Fee

The registration fees vary for different types of participants:

  • YCU Students:NT$ 1,000
  • YCU Professors:NT$ 2,500
  • Local Participants: No charge

Organizing Committee

  • Wen-Chin Lin
  • Wen-Chin Lin
    National Taiwan Normal University

  • Kaito Takahashi
  • Kaito Takahashi
    Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences

  • Tsyr-Yan Yu
  • Tsyr-Yan Yu
    Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences

  • Masanori Tachikawa
  • Masanori Tachikawa
    Yokohama City University

  • Masaru Tachibana
  • Masaru Tachibana
    Yokohama City University

  • Tomomi Shimazaki
  • Tomomi Shimazaki
    Yokohama City University

  • Ryo Suzuki
  • Ryo Suzuki
    Yokohama City University
